@seledreams Cute Rin
@seledreams Is that song released? If you released it, please share its YouTube link, thank you!
@seledreams I think it's a good song. Rin's voice is powerful. I have added it to my playlist
@muratbeysss Thanks. I have a lot of songs I never finished unfortunately. There's a Japanese Rin song I worked on in collaboration with Natsume Kagura for the lyrics, but because of technical issues I still haven't finished it either. I'd say I'm more proud of this one however
@muratbeysss Well, it's a kind of special situation, the song is technically public but has never been really finished https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40338706
It's because I wasn't happy of the instrumental so I am waiting to be good enough at guitar to make it good.